Wednesday, June 17, 2009

CSS updates and todos

Updated CSS - background image now handles both day and night themes;
as well as support for user background image to be set after login;

Currently, day/night themes oscillate based on server time, from 6am to 9pm is day, else its night :)



FAQ Added

A FAQ list has been added here - Keep those questions flowing!

CSS and basic updates

Coding the basic prototype of JumboTweet was straightforward thanks to the ease of use of the Twitter API (versus e.g. Facebook API)

Main work in progress now involves:

-improving design and layout
-adding functionality to embed associated information (URLs, youtube)
-add "reply" to post functionality


JumboTweet development and support blog kickoff!

Here's the new spot for all things related to
I'll be keeping you posted on development updates and news;

Please use this space to drop any suggestions, feature requests or awesome ideas!
